Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Crucible: How update 2.0.0 changed Destiny PvP Primary Weapons

For months every Destiny player knew what they were signing up for when they decided to play a few games of crucible whether it be Iron Banner, Trials of Osiris or Clash. The equipment for every guardian was the same, Thorn or The Last Word exotic handcannons occupied the primary weapon slot. A rerolled Felwinter's Lie, Matador 64 or Party Crasher shotgun to have shot package/rangefinder with rifled barrel in the secondary slot.Wrapping up the inventory in the heavy weapon slot were the rocket launchers, rerolled to have the grenades and horseshoes (proximity detonation) perk, with tripod/clown cartridge. This led to an inevitably stale experience when playing crucible, and those brave guardians who strayed from this just put themselves at a disadvantage. The weapon rebalancing that came with update 2.0.0 which released on Septemember 8th in preparation for The Taken King DLC which launches this Tuesday, changes this stale crucible gameplay.

The premiere primary weapon class is a little tough to call with only a week of gameplay to go off of, but if I had to choose at this moment, I would say that pulse rifles are the strongest. Both exotics of this class, Red Death and Bad Juju, are extremely strong and a huge amount of legendary pulse rifles can go toe to toe with any weapon in the game. Scout rifles seem to be a class that is often overlooked in the crucible. These weapons favor mid to long range combat which the majority of crucible maps lack. Just as it was before the update, the only scout rifle used regularly in the crucible is the exotic MIDA Multi-Tool. Its relatively fast fire rate, amazing accuracy, and special perk that boosts agility allows skilled players to outmaneuver their enemies to pick up kills.  Handcannons were the weapon class that had reigned supreme for the past eight months in the crucible, but no more. The trio of exotics Thorn, The Last Word, and Hawkmoon (PS exclusive) saw slight tweaks across the board that have made them fall from the clear tier one of weapons into tier two. Don't be too alarmed however, these weapons are still strong, Thorn went from a two shot headshot kill, to a three shot body and walk away. The Last Word still dominates close quarters firefights amongst all primary weapons. Hawkmoon remains the long range choice for handcannons, and can instantly turn a lopsided firefight into your favor with just one luck damage shot landing. Lastly, the original kings of the crucible, the auto rifles. Once the top tier of weapons across not only PvP in Destiny, but PvE as well, the auto rifles have begun to creep back into play with the new update. The once useless exotic Necrochasm is now something to be feared at close ranges. The Hard Light with its freshly buffed ricocheting bullets is a fresh approach to the game and can make for some interesting kills. Finally, the once steady hand of the Suros Regime returns, and although it isn't as overpowering as it once was, guardians are rather pleased to see an old favorite return to life.

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